We are celebrating “National Services Day” which aims to honour all the frontline and volunteer services in Ireland. There is a major day planned for September 4th ! See https://www.nationalservicesday.ie/ Our Facebook and Instagram pages have the Competition posts – will remain open until September This competition will begin at the time of posting and […]
Mark Callahan ( HSE National Ambulance Service – Area West Co-Ordinator ) has kindly agreed to help us host a Public Information session on how CFR groups work , integrate with NAS etc. Open to all , but registration required , so that we can send you the Zoom Link next week Register here ( […]
This is an excellent guide from Water Safety Ireland. Keep safe this summer ! Met Éireann Forecasts on met.ie Irish Coastal Waters and Irish Sea Islands around Ireland Sea temperatures Wave heights in coastal waters Wind barbs for Ireland and Atlantic Inland lakes Sunshine / UV Index Peak sunburn time between 11am and 3pm Water […]
A simple video to explain how the process will work when we are live ( a few months out yet ) ! The problem with Cardiac Arrest is time ,so the sooner someone can attend a scene the better – and hence why we are getting setup to provide Annaghdown with that service ! Dial […]
We examined the locations of AED’s within Annaghdown Parish geographical area ( in red ) – We estimated 5 minutes from each to give back the “Yellow” circle below. In some cases the circle could stretch a little further but wanted a basic representation.Green icon is a current AED ( Annaghdown School , Corrandulla Hall , Annaghdown […]
During training , some trainers may decide to show real-life CPR . Sometimes can be a little disturbing to see in action , but its good to see a situation where someones life was saved. This is from a BBC show called “Real Rescues” with Nick Knowles.
This is an example of a map location , with 5km radius from Corrandulla village. As you can see , some areas of Annaghdown Parish are not covered , but we will work with NAS to ensure we have maximum coverage . Some other groups ( Menlo in Galway for example ) have “polygon” coverage […]
A very Happy Valentines Day from all at Annaghdown CFR Group !